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Get involved in protesting WA governments’ shark cull policy!


The current governmental policy to cull sharks off Western Australia is finding a lot of opposition from protesters who are defending the status of already threatened species!

Millions of dollars will be set aside to fund the search and destruction of sharks near WA beaches, however the financing would be wiser spent to fund research and spread awareness for public education.

At Downbelow, we are strong supporters’ of Project AWARE and all environmental causes and it is the duty of dive professionals’ the world over!

Share your knowledge and opinion with others’ and you can truly make a difference in the world! 

The more opposition against environmentally damaging practices and policies such as WA governments’ proposed shark cull, will benefit our goal of protecting these endangered shark species.

Usually, the public perception is exaggerated and raising awareness of the truth is an amazing tool of persuasion to support our conservation efforts!

Use some creativity to reach out to make a real impression of what the true status of these endangered species really is. For example, a video of divers releasing caught sharks from a discarded fishing net can really make an impact on the public!

Keep up our fight for our marine world! 

From the My Ocean Community

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