The Downbelow island crew are saving TAR Park, net-by-net, even on their commute to work at Gaya Island!
This net was found drifting on the waters’ surface within the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park as the Downbelow island crew transferred from Kota Kinabalu to our premier PADI 5 Star IDC Dive Centre on Gaya Island.
Thankfully, the net was not caught up in a current and eventually ending up on the fragile corals of the reef, which would have caused further destruction to our tropical marine environment.
As part of our mission, our team endeavour to educate others’ in hope of inspiring an environmentally friendly lifestyle. A lack of knowledge and understanding of the damaging effects a net, such as this, is incredibly debilitating to a coral reef and its tropical fish inhabitants!
If left untouched, it will find its way from the natural waters’ movements to delicate coral reef. The coral will suffocate as a result because it won’t be able to photosynthesize effectively. Fish will become caught, and in short, be strangled. Their corpse will decay and attract other fish and the cycle of death and destruction continues.
Our island staff team do all they can to protect and preserve Tunku Abdul Rahman Park, however these issues must be addressed on a community-level!