Fort Desoto Pier Cleanup - March 15, 2014

Thanks to everyone that participated in our Dive Against Debris event. We appreciate Tampa Bay Watch allowing us to participate in their Great American Cleanup 2014 event. We collected a total of 540 pounds of marine debris off the Fort Desoto Pier. Great job to all! We had close to 40 divers, a few kayaks, and a good number of surface support and data collectors. St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue Station 11 brought out their dive response vehicle and boat, and supported our event while also getting in some training. It was great to see them in action. Thank you to those groups that came out and participated, to include Life Underwater Dive Club, Eckerd College, USF, Tampa Bay Estuary Program, and the local Kyayak/Paddleboard clubs. Special thanks to Scott Lucci (World of Water, Incorporated), Anette Monroe (Gulfport Dive Center), and Al Jeffrey (Scuba Quest) and their staff for graciously supporting our event with tanks (or air) and dive gear to those volunteers that needed them.