Marine Debris To Be Given Top Recognition In Keep America Beautiful's Program

Tampa Bay Green Consortium’s President, Dan Fisher, is the 2014 recipient of Keep America Beautiful’s top accolade, the Iron Eyes Cody Award. Dan will officially receive the award at Keep America Beautiful’s 62nd annual National Conference in Washington, D.C., January 27-29.
The Iron Eyes Cody Award was created in honor of Keep America Beautiful’s landmark public awareness campaign of the 1970s, which is credited with awakening the environmental consciousness of an entire generation of Americans. This award is given to a man who demonstrates exceptional leadership in raising public awareness about litter prevention, roadside and community beautification, solid waste issues, and the need for citizens to participate in activities that preserve and enhance natural resources. This year's recipient, Dan Fisher, is being honored for his dedication to the marine environment and beautifying Tampa Bay. He will be the 23rd person that Keep America Beautiful has honored with this award since 1988.