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Salad Reef clean up and recycling


Every month we aim to do a reef clean up with our current students, divemaster trainees and other staff... This month on the 3rd of march we managed to coincide it with a rescue course, We started at 11am and managed to rally 5 people to join me, Rachel, Dan, Dan, Emily and Kate. We prayed to the gods of diving for good visibility, once briefed we headed down to the beach and were greeted with warm blue water!!! awesome!!!  after a good 45 min dive of collecting nets, bottles, discarded bags and more nets we headed back to the surface with a full bag and proceeded to complete our rescue scenarios for the day. 


Great day of cleaning up the reef and practicing rescue skills. Our next clean up we will be focusing on the other side of the reef where we have seen discarded umbrellas and lots of plastic bottles on our recent dives. Once we got back to the shop we were just in time to see Arm and Nic loading up the 4wd full of plastic bottles and empty cans/bottles ready for recycling. At Pirate divers we are trying to be green as we can, one of our next projects will also be techincal diving sail rock to clean up the depths of nets and garbage. so watch this space!!!



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