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New Beach Signs Educate Costa Ricans about Dangers of Plastic Pollution, Reach Thousands of Visitors


Teaching about the ocean, its myriad inhabitants, thier amazing lives, and the many things we can do to help ocean creatures survive and thrive is a passion of mine. I love sharing the joy of discovery when at the beach, even something as simple as picking up litter that washed ashore from a far-away land. The fact that marine debris and other plastic pollution in the ocean harms marine life is not well known in Central America and Costa Rica. Signs our team with installed at Costa Rican sea turtle nesting beaches share these facts with colorful illustrations!

Watch this fun video showing the installation of educational signs with community members at Costa Rican sea turtle nesting beaches. Thousands of visitors will pass by these signs and become AWARE that their plastic litter can reach the ocean, wildlife can mistake it for food, and sea turtles want everyone to "keep the beaches clean!"

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