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2012 Course Director Training Course - Dominican Republic


I was honored to be selected to attend the 2012 PADI Course Director Training Course in the Dominican Republic.  The PADI staff members were superb.  I learned a lot, but the most valuable thing I learned was that I have a lot more to learn and techniques to perfect.

The candidates were assigned to teams identified by different colors. I was assigned to the orange team.  Our first assignment was to select a unique team name that was related to our team color.  Follow me if you can.  Orange.  Garabaldi is an orange damsel fish in the Pacific.  Garibaldi had been used and we were not allowed to repeat team names.  We had two team members from the UK.  In England, a garibaldi is a type of biscuit.  So we became Team Biscuit.

We had seven candidates and one Russian interpreter on our team. We represented Russia, the UK, Sweden and the USA.  This was one of the most stress events of my life.  Despite the difference in language, culture and politics, Team Biscuit was about diving and becoming the best Course Directors possible.  Our enthusiasm and cooperation was unmatched.

presentations on Project AWARE were a part of the program.  It was interesting to talk with people from around the world about conservation issues and ongoing projects.

You can read more details on my daily blog at  "Thanks" to the PADI staff who made this program possible.  And to my teammates who helped me through this process.

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