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Diving for Debris September 2011

There have been some interesting clean-up projects at Camel Dive Club in the past. International Clean Up Day 2010 saw many Sharm dive centres unite in cleaning the waters underneath Naama Bay jetty. Despite the debris, many of us were surprised by the beauty of the marine life found there, and of course it was a new dive site! Camel lifted one tonne of rubbish from the sea floor that day. In 2009 we had the Clean Up Tour, which involved cleaning 15 dive sites in 15 days, with the help of our guests as well as instructors. This event helped us make the decision to switch from tank tape to caps, as we found a lot of sticky plastic under water. We also completed a deeper sweep of the bottom with our technical team AND involved snorkelers at the surface. 2008 was when we changed from disposable plastic cups to reusable ones on our dive boats, again due to the amount of waste we felt we could reduce as a business. This year again, Camel will lead the Debris Month of Action by inviting our guests to join the teams in sprucing up our reefs. Any volunteers will be supplied with gloves and mesh bags and our instructors are there to assist in completing data cards. Project AWARE says, “This data paints a true picture of debris issues beneath the surface.” We want to help change waste management policies around the world with our efforts too!

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