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200 kilos of rubbish removed from the sea in Gozo


On Sunday 26 August, the Bubbles Dive Centre team, customers and fellow divers completed a 'Dive Against Debris in Marsalfon Bay, Gozo focusing on removing discarded rope. 

Amongst the 200 kilos of rope that was brought up from the sea there was also a car seat, cans, plastics, metal pipes and even part of an intravenous drip which is hazardous waste.  

This was our biggest 'Dive Agaiast Debris' to date  in terms of both the number of people who participated and the sheer volume of rubbish removed.  We made sure we gained as much publicity as possible for the event by issuing press releases which were printed in the local Gozo newspaper national Malta newspapers by Sunday evening.  The event was also supported by 2 local restaurants who supplied us with cold bottles of water and a great meal for all in the evening.  One of our customers said she wanted to do it all over again next Sunday!

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