Seafront Dive Against Debris September 2015
We had another sucessful Dive Against Debris with 9 divers collecting 178 kg of rubbish from along the seafront last weekend. This was part of The Vanautu Environmental Science Society's hosting of the International Costal Cleanup organised by the Ocean Conservancy.
The seafront area we cleaned at the weekend is the area which the Big Blue Team cleared completely of debris after the large cyclone that caused a lot of damage and marine debris in march this year. Yesterday we removed a small amount of cyclone related debris; only 15 pieces - some more bits of fibreglass and a few bits of boating equipment. These pieces would have come into the area after being moved by the tide or swell. But the majority of what we found was packaging related to food and drink. I suppose it is not unexpected as the area is next to a public park but it shows a lot more awareness is needed about how detrimental rubbish, especially plastics, is to our marine environment. Then hopefully we can change peoples behaviour and persuade them to stop littering.