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A tour of Ban's Conservation Learning Center



Unsustainable practices will by definition, fail. In ecology sustainability is how biological systems remain productive and diverse. Modern life challenges the limitations of many of the systems in place today. There are many obstacles that prevent the support of sustainable systems different perspectives can have a profound impact on how we view the world that we live in. This famous quote from Chief Seattle resonates strongly with me; “Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of Earth. If men spit upon the ground they spit upon themselves. This we know: the Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth. This we know: all things are connected.” I feel this is too often forgotten.


Beyond traditional marine conservation efforts Ban's Conservation Learning Center aims to target the source of the problems that threaten the marine environment. This is especially relevant on Koh Tao, which is a small island with limited natural resources, little infrastructure and many visitors. Ban's conservation learning center (CLC) is the brain-child of Rumleuk Assavachinowner of Ban's Diving Resort on Koh Tao, Thailand. The CLC is an exceptional achievement, incredibly progressive and creates a bright future and foundation for development at Ban's. The CLC includes composting, hydroponic, agricultural, water treatment, bio-gas production, recycling, and organic personal product manufacturing (soaps, balms, cleaning agents etc.) facilities. In addition to this, the latest accommodation has solar panels on the roof to reduce electricity use. This product of P'Leuk's passion strives towards complete sustainability and hopes to inspire and educate others.


Many of Ban's divers are intrigued by the CLC and are enthusiastic to learn more. Marine biologist and PADI Course Director Michael Richardson runs regular tours of the conservation center to show visitors the measures that Ban's takes to reduce their footprint on our blue planet. On June the 3rd Divemaster candidates from Ban's Diving Resort and Sunshine Divers joined the latest tour to learn more about the facilities and what they can do to make a difference.


Join us! Take the virtual tour to learn more. Created by Elena from The Film Company.

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