Bans Conservation Learning Center
Ban’s Conservation Learning Centre has been a well-kept secret for a while now. So to help spread the word about the good work they are doing Eleanor Tranmer from The Film Company and Ban’s Ecological Action for Costal Health representative, Mike Richardson teamed up to lift the lid on the hidden world of Ban’s Conservation.
The brain-child and long held passion of P’Luek the resorts owner; the aim of the Conservation Learning Centre is to reduce the footprint of the resort and to help to educate the local community and visitors about their impacts on the environment and how to reduce them. Ban's believes that the protection of our oceans requires a full 360 degree consideration of how we use and re-distrubute resources and a land strategy needs to be adopted to tackle some of the problems the oceans face.
The conservation center reuse and recycle the vast majority of the waste generated by the resort with the ultimate goal of conserving the precious resources of the island.
The center not only actively encourages renewable resourcing through; composting, fertilization, growing Fruit and Vegetables and Bio Gas production,. But also makes is own beauty and cleaning products at its fermenting plant, from herbs and products on site and which are fully bio de-gradable. Products are available for sale at Ban’s 24 shops.