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Video by a UK 6th grader going to Canadian international School in Singapore after visiting Shark conservation nursery in Bali set up by someone from Hawaii.


Dear Bali Sharks,

About 3 months ago, I came to your shark aquarium in Bali to learn more about sharks for my school in Singapore.I am Marie from CIS and I was doing PYP exhibition. I am writing to you because my group and I want to say thank you to you. Information from you were very helpful for our research on sharks and shark products.

I am really happy to have done sharks as a topic and I will try my best to work for sharks and to save their lives. I used to think sharks were not nice but I now think they are really nice and it is wrong to torture them. I also used to think shark products are nutritious and full of vitamin. But now I think it is not good to eat, buy, or use shark products. Our action for sharks are; Email/tell restaurant to stop selling, telling people to donate for them in Orchard Road (main road in Singapore). I think the topic "Sharks" is good because we can take many action. I hope many sharks we survive by our group's action.

Here is a video we made about endangered sharks. As part of our action to save sharks, we wanted to post it on youtube for the world to see it.

Marie and the shark group

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