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Aussie Fundraiser - Beach Cleanup with Vision Divers


Melbourne beach and underwater cleanup was conducted last Sunday at Williamstown Breakwater. The event went very well thanks to the organisation of Vision Divers. Vision Divers Jess, did a wonderful job with the raffle tickets, BBQ and keeping everyone in line. Peter also worked the BBQ well and gave a very detailed brief of what to lookout for when in the water. One point Peter made was, to look out for blue ringed octopus and sure enough, after the dive and the debris where collected and laid out for recording purposes, while counting the bottles collected, one happened to slip out, much to the amusement of many very interested participants present. Educational for those who had never seen a blue ringed octopus, young and old.

The beach was combed for disgarded debris but there was simply not that much to be collected, (well done fellow Australian for keeping your beaches clean), however it was not the same to be said about the underwater cleanup. There was a lot of bottles, plastics and other debris collected and disposed, again thanks to Peter and his team at Vision Divers.

Next week September 11 its Adelaide, we are all very excited to conducting a cleanup in Adelaide, a state that has outlawed plastic bags!

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