Aussie Fundraiser a successful fundraising ride!

October 14
Today was another early start with a ride out to Parramatta and then to Val Clues to pick up our travel bags before heading to PADI to finish off our ride at PADI Sydney who had invited us to a BBQ and to have us give a presentation on the ride and what the ride was all about.
During the presentation Joanne Marston from Project Aware presented us a Plaque of appreciation, much appreciated by myself and Tommy. After the presentation there was so many, thanks you, from the PADI team We then headed around the front for a photo shoot before a grand tour of PADI Sydney. We left PADI feeling very special and welcome, thanks to all the PADI team, especially, Joanne Marston and Danny Dwyer who has supported us on many a phone call since the beginning. Their teams have been very, very helpful and without Project Aware this fundraiser would not have happened. Thanks to Colin Melrose and Sue Crow (from TUSA) who were there at the beginning to send us off and again at the end.
So tomorrow its, returning the bikes to Bikescape and then preparation for Tasmania on Sunday where we will continue this ride, not around Tasmania, but there will be riding for a day or two. Then we have to decide where next! But before that we have a few of the PADI team waiting for us in a pub down the road, so we must do what we do best and join them:-)
Complete ride track