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2011 Project AWARE at Mamutik Island, Kota Kinabalu SABAH.


2011 has been a big success for Borneo Divers in organizing the Project AWARE campaign. Situated at Mamutik, one of the five island just 15-20min off the Rainforest city of Kota kinabalu, Borneo Divers with the help of Sabah Park, Sabah Tourism, University Malaysia Sabah ( Turtle Conservation Campaign ), Raleigh International , Organizer of Miss SCUBA international, N.G.Os and individual we manage to collect a wooping total of 805.66 KG of submerge, floting or on land worth of rubbish with Plastic Bottle contribute toward the most amount of rubbish collected and followed by cloth and paper. 

The good news is, Borneo Divers is planning to do another one this year so do check it out at for our up coming event.


Thank you, 


Andreas K. Stephen



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