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Equipment Fashion Show!

     My name is Andrea, and I am on the  journey in hopes of becoming a Padi Course Director. I now currently work for Dive-careers, running a Dive Master program, in Koh Tao, Thailand. Recently I held a  fashion show. Bet you didn't think you would find something like this on a diving page.  It's diving related, I promise. Dive-Careers & Aqua Lung teamed up to showcase diving equipment in a fun and sexy new way. All of the Dive Master candidates, up to Staff Instructor's at Buddha View, got together to put on this amazing event. The night was not only too bring the diving community together, but to raise awareness for the debris in our ocean. We raffled off prizes to raise money for Project Aware, and hoped to spread the message to non divers as well. It was great to see everyone working together as a team, and putting on an amazing show. A big thank-you goes out to Aqua Lung and Bar Next 2 for all the support. Couldn't have done it without them. Now I am so excited to share all the details, not just of the night itself, but all the planning that went into it as well. There is no better way to start, then at the beginning. So here it goes…          Getting the chance to run a Dive Master training program in a busy dive shop in Thailand has been an amazing experience so far. Getting to develop and work with divers on a more professional level has been nothing but rewarding. One of my favorite moments, was organizing a beach clean-up on World Ocean Day. It was so nice to see all the Dive Master candidates and other instructors, come together, and try to make a difference. One plastic bottle at a time. It was a great bonding experience and I knew it was something I wanted to do again. The thing was, I wanted to do something different. I think the diving community itself is quite aware of our ocean issues, but what about everyone else? I wanted to create something on a bigger scale.         It was easy to pull inspiration from my DMT's (Dive Master Trainees). At the current moment, I realized I had a large volume of females. It was nice to see so many women break into, what was once a more male dominated industry. Equipment shopping, with my girl DMT's, was a much different experience, then when shopping with my male DMT’s. When you feel good in what you are wearing, you feel more confident. As a diver confidence is key. Picking out gear that looked good was just as important as the way it worked. This is when the idea for a equipment fashion show first popped into my head. I knew this could be that “something special,” that I wanted to do. Something to bring in, not just the diving community, but non divers as well. Something for everyone. Divers could appreciate seeing regular equipment being modeled to them in a fun sexy way, and non divers could have a fun night out on the island.         I decided to partner up with my favorite brand, Aqua Lung! Not only did I love the variety and look of the equipment, but I personally wore it myself. This made me confident that the quality was there as well. Right from the beginning, Aqua Lung loved the idea. Suzy (the manager of the Aqua Master store in Koh Tao) and I partnered up to turn my vision into a reality. There is no way I could have pulled this off without her. We had so much fun planning each item that should be showcased and how to organize the entire event. I knew I wanted this to be big, and I wanted to use it to help promote marine conservation. It would be a great way to talk about Project Aware and how they work directly with divers. Have a great night, and help out a great cause. What more could you want. The idea was there, we just needed a venue.           I approached my favorite beach bar "Bar Next 2." They were known not only for their fire shows and amazing staff, but also for the great location.  A beach for a run way, how does that sound? Again, I got nothing but support. They created the most amazing atmosphere for the show, with a lit up runway and DJ on the beach. We also went to other local businesses around the island to donate prizes that we could raffle off. All of out raffle proceeds went to Project Aware. Our biggest prize was a brand new Pro HD BCD from Aqua Lung. I think this got everyone excited for the night. Having the chance to win amazing prizes was a huge bonus.         All of the DMT's, up to Staff Instructors, at Buddha View played a enormous role in making the night a success. Everyone did their part. Helping backstage, hair & makeup, promotion, and of course modeling. The day of the fashion show everyone got together to practice walking and getting ready for the night. I think that was the best part. It was a great way for everyone to hang out together, and share something special. Nerves started to kick in, so it only made it easier, to have each other to to lean on. When hair and makeup was done, we made our way to Bar Next 2. Everyone looked amazing. The bar staff had created a picture perfect beachfront runway. It was surreal to see my vision come to life. As the bar started to fill with the fashion show audience, I gathered my troops, and headed to the backstage area. Everyone was ready to go for the first walk. We had decided to model each individual kit and all of the accessories that went with it. Each section featured a BCD, regulator, wetsuit, fins, mask and dive bag. We broke the sections into: Women pro, men pro, women deluxe, men deluxe, snorkeling, and even free diving. Everything was ready to go. This was the moment we had been preparing for. It was time. Time to strut our stuff, and give our fiercest runway walk.          Everyone looked and did amazing. It was a great way to show off the sexy side of diving, and bring the community together. The whole night was about diving, but it was something that non-divers could enjoy as well. I could share my passion for diving with everyone, plus get the chance to help spread the word about marine conservation. Hopefully non-divers would be inspired to join in on this great cause. Even if it was as simple as saying “no,” to getting a plastic bag at the grocery store. Even the smallest gesture can make a difference, and you have to start somewhere. This was my start, and I look at it as a success. Great night, with great people, on a great island.   

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