World Record "Sharky Shark" Free Discover Scuba Dive" for Shark Petition
Setting World Records
Råå Aqua Resort in the south of Sweden is doing all sorts of things to try and raise awareness about whats happening in our oceans. Last year they had an event at the Kolmardens Tropicarium, one of Swedens largest animal parks, where two divers spent over 4 hours playing yahtzee in the Tropicariums largest shark tank. In the tank were sand tiger sharks, black tip reef sharks, bamboo sharks and a few different species of rays. While holding the event they were educating people about the struggles sharks face in our oceans today while at the same time collecting over 1000 signatures for the Project AWARE Shark Petition.
Råå Aqua Resort had decided that their next event will also focus on shark preservation. This time they will be setting a new world record with the most amount of Discover Scuba Dives in a day. All day the 2nd of June, 2012 Råå Aqua Resort will be offering free Discover Scuba Dives. In their opinions the best way to get people interested and more involved in shark and ocean preservation is to get people in and diving, giving a completely different perspective just by venturing under water. After the days diving has wrapped up there will be a talk about sharks and their importance in our ecosystem followed by a showing of Sharkwater, a film by Rob Stewart that focuses on bringing light to shark fining and destructive fishing methods.