Swim for the Sharks!
Help PROTECT Great White Sharks by Sponsoring a Swimmer for the Sharks
Each year millions of sharks are being slaughtered for their fins, or lost on longlines.
Enigmatic predators like Great White Sharks and Hammerheads Sharks are being fished out of the oceans. Shark Stewards Director David McGuire and friends are swimming the shark (un)infested waters of the San Francisco Bay around Alcatraz Island to raise awareness. Funds will support their anti shark finning campaign, shark fin trade bans and our Great White Shark campaign. For Liability purposes (the real sharks!) Non Dolphin Club members cannot participate but you can join us online and on FB as we swim. We are sorry- but you can still join us virtually or by web and help Shark Stewards protect endangered sharks.
Sponsor a shark swimmer at a level from Leopard Shark to Great White Shark, or attend the after party and help support our Great White endangered species petition and Hammerhead CITES sharks campaign, and supporting shark fin trade bans. Note: Only Dolphin Club swimmers can participate-as much as we would love to have more- the lawyers wont let us!