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Shanghai Jinshan city beach dive against debris

Shanghai, China

30.713061, 121.348286

每年夏天,上海海上星潜水俱乐部都会定期组织潜水员在金山城市沙滩进行海洋及沙滩的清洁活动,有时候我们还会利用课程训练的间隙来进行。今年的七月十五日,我们俱乐部一行七人又来到的这里。当天我们在完成海底捡垃圾的活动后,又在海滩上做了清洁的工作。所有参与的潜水员都认为这是一项有意义的事情。 Every summer, the sea star Shanghai will organize regular divers diving club in the Jinshan City Beach for ocean and beach cleaning activities, and sometimes we will use the space for training courses. 15 July this year, we went to the club's seven-line here. We are picking up trash in the sea that day to complete the activities, but also on the beach doing a clean job. All participating divers, that this is a meaningful thing.

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