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Scuba Zone Finathon

Wraysbury, United Kingdom

51.45966, -0.548286

Scuba Zone is FINatical about sharks and we’ll join thousands of scuba divers around the world swimming to end finning.

The first global Finathon launched in 2013 presented by Project AWARE, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting our ocean planet.

Our challenge is to swim for an hour to raise awareness and much needed funds. We’re calling on divers, instructors, families, guests and schools to join our Finathon and be champions for sharks. It’s a fun, healthy way to raise awareness for this important cause.

Project AWARE relies on support from divers to fund critical conservation, all funds raised will help:

  • Fight to stop finning
  • Insist on full protections for Critically Endangered sharks
  • Negotiate stronger policies to ensure a brighter future for all sharks

Shark fishing is largely unregulated around the world. Overfishing, bycatch and finning kills thousands of sharks every day.  “Project AWARE closed loopholes in the EU finning ban and secure international trade protections for 8 of the world’s most vulnerable sharks and rays. But, to ensure the survival of sharks, stricter, enforceable controls are needed for more species at national, regional and global levels,” said Project AWARE’s Associate Director of Science and Policy.


Together divers have a powerful, collective voice to secure protection for endangered shark species worldwide. So if you’re FINatical about sharks you can join the race to protect them. 


With the clock ticking for vanishing shark species the time to act is now. Let the global race begin!


Our local Finathon is being held at Wraysbury Dive Centre.



Proudly supporting ocean protection with Project AWARE

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