Research Assistant Program Fin Whale Project, Barcelona, Spain

Since 2012 we have been developing an initiative named the ‘Fin Whale Project’, which aims to study and preserve fin whales as they pass along the Catalan coast (between Barcelona and Tarragona; Spain). It is an extraordinary undiscovered phenomenon that takes place each spring, from February to June. During this period, not only are we able to observe a high presence of fin whales, but also other species of cetaceans and many species of seabirds. Find out more about our ‘Fin Whale Project’ in the following link:
In order to have enough resources to be able to carry out this year’s research campaign, we are looking for Research Assistants who would be able to participate directly in fieldwork and to analyse data collected, during seven consecutive days. We have developed a ‘Research Assistant Program’ for people caring for nature and its conservation, wishing to expand their knowledge in marine research while enjoying a week in an exceptional tourist area, near the amazing city of Barcelona. www.edmaktub/eng/rap