Pulau Segantang Ghost Net

Serious threat at Pulau Segantang reef. 100 meters of ghost net covering western part of a island submerged reef. Starting depth from 12 meters to 5 meters 2 types of nets covering this amazing dive site.
1. Purse Seine | Surrounding Net | Pukat Jerut
2. Drift | Gill Net | Pukat Hanyut
Ghost Net Cleaning Event 5th - 6th March 2016
We at Seamonkey Dive Centre are planning a campaign to remove these net carefully without making any impact on the surviving marine life at dive site and without jeopardising diver safety.
A recce trip by Seamonkey Dive Centre with their PADI Divemaster & Instructors program at 17th February 2016.
From our evaluation we would require proper tool such as dive scissors for effective & safer cutting tool. Gloves for divers protection as this nets been here for quite a while with evidence of algae and hydroids on nets. Ropes (50mm) and floats for marking area and also setting up new mooring line for dive boat/logistics.
Experienced divers with good buoyancy are encouraged to participate. (Refer Seamonkey Dive Centre for buoyancy workshop in pool).
Any support of tool and logistics are most welcome!
Together.... we scuba diver lets make a stand protecting our dive site, spread the awareness and give back what the ocean needs!
More info:
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