Ocean Divers - Save our Seadragons and Dive Against Debris!
It's that time of year again - We're Diving for Debris - And you can too!
As part of Project Aware's Debris Month of Action we will partaking in
the event to help clean the rubbish from under & around Flinders Pier.
Saturday 13th September
Flinders Pier @10am
We’d be grateful to anyone who can lend a hand -
bring your dive gear, gloves and catch bags
(let us know if you need us to provide you with a bag).
Club Member Hire Special for this event -
BCD, Tank, Regulators $30
Tank Only $10
Gold coin donation on the day to support Project Aware and their campaigns for a healthier ocean environment.
BBQ supplied by Ocean Divers after the event.
Friends, family and everyone welcome.
Please register your attendance to [email protected]