Meeting with tanjung Luar Officials

The first step in our PROJECT MOMENTUM is to meet with local people from the fish market, Tanjung Luar, in east Lombok so we do not have any problems when we will come to collect datas and start the filming part of our ocean action.
Delphine and some Indonesian friends will go to Tanjung Luar to meet the head of the village and introduce him with the project. Everything will be explained and we will make sure they do not get offended and they will accept us working in their territory and supporting us in our efforts.
After that meeting we will be able to start collecting data by finding someone who will be there at least 1 week per month.
Peter has made some easy illustrated identification flyer so our collecting data person will be able to count and identify species of sharks and rays caught and brought to the fish market. If he doesnt know what species are there, he will take some photos and we will send them to some friends for identification.
Statistics and evaluation will come in the next few months.