MASS Diving, Inc. Finathon at Wayland Community Pool

MASS Diving, Inc. of Natick, MA and the Wayland Community Pool are FINatical about sharks and will join thousands of advocates around the world swimming to end finning. Our challenge is to swim to raise much needed funds. We’re calling on everyone to join our Finathon™ and be champions for sharks. It’s a fun, healthy way to raise awareness and funds for this important cause. Finathon™ is supported by Project AWARE, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting our ocean planet. Project AWARE relies on support to fund critical conservation, all funds raised will help: a) Fight to stop finning; b) Insist on full protections for Critically Endangered sharks and c) Negotiate stronger policies to ensure a brighter future for all sharks. Shark fishing is largely unregulated around the world. Overfishing, bycatch and finning – the slicing of sharks fining and throwing away the body at sea - kills thousands of sharks every day. Register to participate today! Sign up, set a fundraising goal, and then start collecting pledges & sponsorships towards your swim.