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Free Rubbish Friday - Gili Air Harbour 4th December 2015

Gili Air, Indonesia

-8.364881, 116.08223

Welcome to our weekly Clean Up!!!!


Every week Oceans 5 organises either a Beach Clean Up or a Dive Against Debris action to take care of the environment and keep the harbour clean.


On Friday 4th December 2015, a small team gathered together to collect about 25Kg or rubbish.  The usual items, such as straws, flip flops and cigarette butts were collected, however there were some stranger items.  

We collected about 6 life jackets, a matress and a lot of boat debris.  It seems that a boat migh have tipped over not so far.


Our Blue Warrior team did a great job again this week, thank you ver much!!!! and See you next week for more actions!!!

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