Divers Down Against Debris. Site clean up & survey

FREE 2 tank dive for all participants and 2 FREE Specialties to give away!
Sunday, March 1st 2015 at Divers Down, George Town, Grand Cayman. Meet at 11:30 (registration required). There are currently 7 spots remaining so get in touch fast!
contact Stephen at; [email protected]
We are taking divers on a FREE 2-tank dive against debris. Our aim is to remove as much trash from a couple of the popular sites in the George Town area to help keep our beautiful, world renowned waters safe and clean. this is a NO EXCUSES event and as such we are also supplying any dive kit that you might need also at NO cost to you!
What we ask is that anyone who signs up (limited spaces due to boat restrictions) brings a minimum $30 donation so that we can present it to the Project AWARE foundation as a show of support for their continued efforts towards marine conservation. As divers we are all ambassadors for the underwater realm and as such we are in a unique position to take direct action by removing harmful debris and taking down information that can help others in the future.
As if this isn't enough, I will also have 2 FREE PADI specialty courses on offer! The first will be the AWARE Dive Against Debris specialty diver rating offered to the diver who collects the most trash over the 2 dives. The second will be awarded to the diver who gives the biggest donation! For this, you will get the choice of any of the following AWARE courses; 1) Invasive Lionfish Tracker, 2) Shark Conservation, 3) Sea Turtle Awareness, or 4) Dive Against Debris.
Your support and participation is truly appreciated. To register and/or get more info contact Stephen at; [email protected]