Dive Against Debris at Rappahannock Quarry - May 7, 2016 @ 9:00 AM
Please join Blu Water Scuba, The Scuba Shack and Patriot Scuba as we kick off the 2016 dive season!!
We will be Diving Against Debris as we do a pre-season clean up at Rappahannock Quarry.
Bring your DPVs, scrapers, brushes and anything else you can think of to use to clean.
** Food, drinks and a whole lot of fun will be provided **
The specialty certification will be offered for anyone that is interested (pre-registration requested).
Please click on the flyer in this post for details!
About Dive Against Debris
Through Dive Against Debris, Project AWARE supporters remove undersea litter collected while diving and report results. Trash removed during Dive Against Debris makes the ocean safer for marine life, and more importantly, in-formation reported helps inform policy change. With your help, Project AWARE can use the information you report through Dive Against Debris to convince individuals, governments and businesses to act against marine debris. To-gether, we can work towards a clean, healthy ocean planet. Dive Against Debris today.
Please register for this event by calling Blu Water Scuba at 571-379-7900 or emailing [email protected], Patriot Scuba at 703-490-1175, or The Scuba Shack at 540-373-1030
Directions to Fredericksburg Quarry:
I-95 South (43 miles)
Exit #133A onto Route 17 South (1.8 miles)
Right on Route 1 South (0.8 miles)
Right onto Fall Hill Avenue (1.3 miles)
Right onto Wicklow Drive (7-11 after turn)
Go straight to the first gate
GPS (to the 7-11): 3333 Fall Hill Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401