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Dive against debris beach clean-up, Nananu-i-Ra,Fiji on the 15th September

Ends 939 , Fiji

On the 15th September 2012 Safari Lodge Divers and 23 volunteers set out on the mission of the month. Volunteers collected 37 bags of trash from the east side of the beach on Nananu-I-Ra, Fiji. Team leader Michelle Allen started the morning off with a conservation and safety briefing with the support of Clint Coombs and Jasper Meagher.

The volunteers included 16 children between the ages of five to sixteen from the villiage on the mainland. The morning trash data was collected and the majority of trash collected consisted of plastic bottles, 26 bags of plastic bottles! At Safari Lodge divers, we are now promoting a refilling station for drinking water at the main lodge.

All volunteers joined Safari Lodge Divers for a barbique hosted by owners Stephanie Cone and Warren Francis. The afternoon was spent in the water for our splash for trash followed by kayaking and paddle boarding. Great day, can't wait for the next one! 

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