Dive Against Debris
Dive Against Debris for Fun, Education and the Environment.
For the third year in a row, the residents of Cultus Lake have invited Langley Diving to do an underwater clan-up prior to the annual Pkeminnow Derby. The Pikeminnow is a fresh water invasive species which kills other fish in the lake including the rare Pigmy Grunt Sculpen. The Pikeminnow, the 'lion-fish' of the lake, is culled out in an annual father and son fishing tournament.
The week-end before the event, Langley Diving does an underwater cleanup and then the debris we collect is dislayed during the tournament to educate the participants in the importance of keeping their local lake clean and free of debris. Last year it was even paraded through the streets during the annual local parade!
The residents then take the debris for recycling and the funds raised are donated to Project Aware.
Contact Langley Diving if you would like to take part in this event.