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ARCHANKUT WITHOUT WASTE «Tarchankut needs your help!»

Черноморское, Ukraine

45.331966, 32.574141


«Tarchankut needs your help!»

Cape Tarchankut is a pearl of the Western Crimea, a Mecca for divers and a unique natural ecosystem. Underground grottoes and caves, snow-white rocks, bright flower palettes of the meadows, and, of course, the beautiful Black Sea would leave nobody untouched. Such known Soviet films as The Amphibian Man and Pirates of XX Century were shot here.

Huge crowds of tourists gather in Cape Tarchankut every summer. They leave real mountains of waste both on the land and under the water. Underwater waste is not removed by virtually anybody. We have already carried out two actions on cleaning garbage in the summer seasons of 2005 and 2009.

Our PURPOSE – with the aid of the local authorities, to preserve and clean the unique natural territory; to draw to the care of the Tarchankut coast everyone who is not unconcerned about the destiny of the place; to raise the problem in the media.

We INVITE all willing to participate in the annual environmental action on cleaning land and underwater waste on Cape Tarhankut, Western Crimea (Atlesh and Jangul areas).

YOU WILL FIND THERE a picturesque coast of the Black Sea, volunteers from various countries, interesting excursions to local places of interest, scuba diving, environmental open-air games, songs at a campfire.

We INVITE TO COOPERATION: international and local volunteer organizations, diving clubs, tourist clubs, representatives of mass-media and everyone who is not unconcerned about the destiny of the Cape Tarhankut.

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