Alex Earl Speaks to BC Divers

BC Divers will get the unique opportunity on April 27 and 28 to meet and listen to Alex Earl, Executive Director of Project AWARE, as he reviews projects currently underway to influence governments and divers to protect our watery planet.
Alex Earl lived in BC as a youngster, attended the University of BC where he earned a degree in History and Political Science and learned to dive in Whyte Cliff Park like so many other BC divers. He is a BC boy and he is excited about coming home to share his passion for environmental stewardship.
This is a very unique event with over 20 dive centers cooperating to sponsor the presentations and running Project Aware events to raise money which will be presented to Project Aware during Alex's speaking engagements.
Alex will be speaking twice:
Saturday April 27, The Shaw Discovery Center in Sydney for divers on Vancouver Island
Sunday April 28, The Vancouver Aquarium, for mainland divers {register here}.
Both events are from 6-8PM and will also feature a local speaker who will outline initiatives to protect our local eco systems. Space is limited at each event so get there early!