Golf Competition Fundraiser and Picnic

We are going to head up to Ashton Court for a fun filled day of golfing! No experience necessary - this is all for fun and to raise funds for Project AWARE.
We shall start at 9am so we can tee off early and beat the crowds (and so no one else can see us carving up the course!). There are two courses at Ashton Court, one slightly hillier than the other - you can choose to play on either. Depending on numbers, we may make this a team golf competition. Following the golf we shall have a picnic.
The cost is £25 which will cover your entry fee, club hire, picnic, tees and balls and a donation to Project AWARE. This is to be paid in advance as spaces are limited.
There will be PRIZES for the following:
Golden Ball Award for whoever gets round in the fewest shots
Best Dressed (yes, wacky costumes are to be encouraged! But don’t worry, this is optional)
Epic fail Consolation Prize for the most shots taken
We shall be imposing Penalties for bad language, lost balls and poor innuendos. £2 per penalty and the fine goes straight to Project AWARE.
If you want to come and join in the fun, please e-mail emily@mikesdivestore, or sign up in the shop!