Fishing for Fishes!

Bristol, United States
Tis the season for a PROJECT AWARE COMPETITION! We have a fantastic new competition (prizes to be confirmed very shortly but we couldn't wait to tell you!) Here are the rules:
Entry is £2 per go, all proceeds to go to Project AWARE. One turn gives you one opportunity to see how long it takes you to catch 10 fish on this rather daft kids game that we found (just 10 fish as we want to promote responsible fishing!). The timer starts when you pick up the fishing rod, and ends when you put it down again after your tenth fish. You will not be allowed to practice, but can enter multiple times. If you catch a fish and drop it back in a hole, this doesn't count. We will have a Top Gear style leader board so you can see the time to beat. This will run between now and February 7th. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places to be announced shortly!