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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

Bolder Reef

19 September, 2020

Team Leader
Charlene Stenton-Dozey
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
4 kgs (measured)

-20.025024, 57.537079

Survey Information

Location Name
Bolder Reef
Organization/Dive Centre
Dive Spirit
Trou aux biches
19 September, 2020
Survey Duration
58 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: -20.025024
Longitude: 57.537079
Weather Conditions
Outside Observable Area:
An anticyclone to the South created a moderate, cold airstream over the island .

Local Weather Variables:
Light rain showers concentrated on high ground.

Maximum 24 to 27 degrees Celsius.
Minimum 19 to 21 degrees Celsius.

Easterly 15 to 25 km/h.

Sea Conditions:
Rough in open water.
Waves ranging 1,5m to 2,5m.

High (Zulu+4) 1200±2 and 0020±2
Low (Zulu+4) 1900±2 and 0700±2.

Sunrise : 06h05.
Sunset : 18h04.

Atmospheric pressure:
1016 to 1024 hectoPascals.
Survey Depth Range
9.5–15.1 meters
Area Surveyed
322 m2
Dominant Substrate
coral reef
Wave Conditions
Smooth (wavelets) for waves 0.1 - 0.5 meter high
metal materials collected
Fishing: Traps & Pots 4

Restricted movement of civilian, small scale, fishing population due to extended periods of rough weather. Particularly a series on continuous anti-cyclones influencing local air pressure. Civid-19 lockdown and economic pressure may also have contributed towards the fishing traps falling into disrepair.

Nothing to report.

Fishing traps coated in plastic to prevent salt water from reacting with the steel. The practice is wide-spread and cages are abandoned once broken.

Debris volume has reduced greatly since last cleanup. Aside from fishing waste, no other debris was present in the area inspected. The site location being in a fishing village the above was to be expected.

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