glass beverage containers represented more than 53% of the debris removed today.
Comments and Feedback
This Diver Against Debris was executed by course candidates (Jody J, Zach C, Chandler D & Robert D) from OW-2019-009 during the tour portion of their open water dive four. We were joined by DM Jenn W and DMT Dwain N. Dive Against Debris surveys have been integrated into various courses delivered at this Adopted Dive Site. The student divers constantly remark about the "fun" they experience hunting for debris. Not to be out done their recognition of the importance of the mission. Our collective efforts are having a positive impact at this site. Both in terms of removing debris and recognition of our efforts from the marina members and passing general public. Hopefully our efforts are contagious!
From the My Ocean Community
My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.