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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

ADS305 - House Reef

21 March, 2019

Team Leader
Kim Timmers
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
0.29 kgs (measured)

28.142264196233, -16.43815240659

Survey Information

Location Name
ADS305 - House Reef
Organization/Dive Centre
Tenerife Diving Academy
21 March, 2019
Survey Duration
40 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 28.142264196233
Longitude: -16.43815240659
Weather Conditions
Very windy
Survey Depth Range
3–7.9 meters
Area Surveyed
150 m2
Dominant Substrate
rocky reef
Wave Conditions
Slight for waves 0.5 -1.25 meter high
plastic materials collected
Cups, Plates, Forks, Knives, Spoons (plastic) 3
Plastic Fragments 5
Cigarette Filters 5
Rope (plastic/nylon) 1
glass materials collected
Glass & Ceramic Fragments 3
metal materials collected
Cans: Food/juice, Other (tin) 1
cloth materials collected
Cloth Fragments 1
mixed materials collected
Toys 1

The wind would have blown more debris items into the ocean.

Strange pink kids toy?

Wet wipes

Drink containers

Toilet paper

We wish the government would have more rules and regulations in place, in regards with recycling, and sewage waste ending up in the ocean.

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