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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

ADS163 - Vietnamese Bay

3 June, 2018

Team Leader
Emmanuel Rautenbach
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
2 kgs (estimated)

10.6257, 103.310757

Survey Information

Location Name
ADS163 - Vietnamese Bay
Organization/Dive Centre
The Dive Shop Cambodia
3 June, 2018
Survey Duration
50 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 10.6257
Longitude: 103.310757
Weather Conditions
Extended thunder showers
Survey Depth Range
3–7 meters
Area Surveyed
3032.31 m2
Dominant Substrate
coral reef
Wave Conditions
Slight for waves 0.5 -1.25 meter high
plastic materials collected
Bags-grocery/retail (plastic) 40
Bags: Trash (plastic) 1
Beverage Bottles: Less Than 2 Litres (plastic) 1
Fishing: Line 2
Plastic Fragments 5
Rope (plastic/nylon) 2
cloth materials collected
Rope And String (cloth) 1
Entangled Animals
Other Fish
Species or Common Name Jax
Number Entangled 1
Type of Debris Not provided

Mainland Sihanoukville is teeming with insane amounts of single use plastic waste, as the wind sometimes come directly from mainland it transports the plastic in the direction of the island only for it to end up at most of our dive sites and along the beaches of both sides of the island, also people seem to be unaware of the dangers of not deposing of plastic properly so they just drop it in to the ocean

Single use plastic bags

Plastic grocery bags

Instant noodles packaging

Fishing line

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