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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

Oro Verde

3 February, 2016

Team Leader
Stephen J. Aynsley
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
5 kgs (estimated)

19.33856, -81.39048

Survey Information

Location Name
Oro Verde
Organization/Dive Centre
Divers Down, Grand Cayman
7 Mile Beach
Cayman Islands
3 February, 2016
Survey Duration
45 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 19.33856
Longitude: -81.39048
Weather Conditions
Extremely rough seas with large swells. The west coast was largely un-divable for a majority of the last week
Survey Depth Range
8–15 meters
Area Surveyed
100 m2
Dominant Substrate
coral reef
Wave Conditions
Calm (glassy to rippled) for waves 0 – 0.1 meter high
plastic materials collected
Beverage Bottles: Less Than 2 Litres (plastic) 1
Caps & Lids (plastic) 3
Cups, Plates, Forks, Knives, Spoons (plastic) 5
Food Wrappers (plastic) 5
SCUBA & Snorkel Gear-masks, Snorkels, Fins 1
Plastic Fragments 8
wood materials collected
Wood Fragments 1
paper materials collected
Cardboard: Packaging & Cartons 5
other materials collected
Paper cups 5
Solid, square cute wood fragment 1
small plastic water bottle 1
plastic drinking water bottle caps 3
Plastic cups 3
Food wrappers 5
Plastic snorkel keeper 1
Plastic cup fragments 8

Over the past 2 weeks we've had very adverse weather conditions. So much so, that even cruise ships could not come to the island. This led me to postpone a scheduled debris dive until next week and use this opportunity with keen divers to conduct an ad-lib debris dive as part of our regular AM trip. I could see that the weather could contribute to shifting debris around but I am still surprised to have found so many cups/wrappers here.

Nothing unusual, the site is a popular dive site so scuba gear is not unexpected. It was strange to see the cups and wrappers considering that is normally found on the more popular snorkel sites

Paper cups

Plastic cups

food wrappers

My comments are merely to repeat the things I've already highlighted in previous comments during this submission.

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