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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

Magazine Bay- Navy Point

28 June, 2015

Team Leader
Colin Wadeson
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
120 kgs (estimated)

-43.610457, 172.70378

Survey Information

Location Name
Magazine Bay- Navy Point
Organization/Dive Centre
Dive HQ Christchurch
New Zealand
28 June, 2015
Survey Duration
22 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: -43.610457
Longitude: 172.70378
Weather Conditions
Below zero. No rain. Southerly wind and swell but sheltered in the harbour
Survey Depth Range
0.5–5 meters
Area Surveyed
9000 m2
Dominant Substrate
Wave Conditions
Calm (glassy to rippled) for waves 0 – 0.1 meter high
plastic materials collected
Baskets, Crates 1
Beverage Bottles: Less Than 2 Litres (plastic) 1
Fishing: Line 1
Pipes (plastic-PVC) 1
metal materials collected
Cans: Food/juice, Other (tin) 1
Pipes & Rebar 6
Metal Fragments 3
rubber materials collected
Tires/tyres 2
wood materials collected
Wood Fragments 3
cloth materials collected
Rope And String (cloth) 1
other materials collected
Shopping Trolley 1
Bicycle inc. tyres 1
Entangled Animals
Other Fish
Species or Common Name Seahorse
Number Entangled 1
Status released unharmed
Type of Debris Pipe

An awesome, albeit cold, Dive Against Debris with a great turnout on a beautiful sunny day. A mix of diver levels and ages but all very keen to do their bit and brave the 8 degree water, some only in wetsuits! With a shallow, silty bottom around some private moorings and slipways we weren't sure what we might bring up from the 'depths'. I am sure there was more down there but it's hard to say with visibility between 0.2 and 0.5 of a meter. The relatively small amount we did find is a good sign of the 'tidy kiwi' attitude in and around the water but it's also good to remove what we did find and thanks to all the helped. After a sausage and cup of tea we documented what we had, got some photos and chucked our haul into the skip before heading back to the shop or home to clean gear and enjoy the rest of Sunday, feeling like we had done a good deed! Thanks to all involved!

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