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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

Hin Wong Bay, Koh Tao, Thailand

4 March, 2015

Team Leader
Natalie Hunt & Michael Richardson
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
90 kgs (estimated)

10.078389, 99.832764

Survey Information

Location Name
Hin Wong Bay, Koh Tao, Thailand
Organization/Dive Centre
Sunshine Divers & Ban's Diving Resort
Koh Tao
4 March, 2015
Survey Duration
50 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 10.078389
Longitude: 99.832764
Weather Conditions
Sunny, Poor visibility, Slight waves
Survey Depth Range
5–14 meters
Area Surveyed
300 m2
Dominant Substrate
coral reef
Wave Conditions
Smooth (wavelets) for waves 0.1 - 0.5 meter high
plastic materials collected
Bags: Trash (plastic) 9
Beverage Bottles: Less Than 2 Litres (plastic) 96
Caps & Lids (plastic) 64
Cups, Plates, Forks, Knives, Spoons (plastic) 2
Fishing: Line 13
Fishing: Nets & Pieces Of Nets 16
Food Wrappers (plastic) 7
Pipes (plastic-PVC) 6
SCUBA & Snorkel Gear-masks, Snorkels, Fins 1
Sheeting: Tarpaulin, Plastic Sheets, Palette Wrap 4
Straws, Stirrers 1
Rope (plastic/nylon) 8
glass materials collected
Jars-food (glass) 8
Light Globes/bulbs/tubes 5
Beverage Bottles (glass) 47
metal materials collected
Cars & Car Parts 4
Wire, Wire Mesh & Barbed Wire 3
Metal Fragments 4
rubber materials collected
Inner-tubes & Rubber Sheets 7
Tires/tyres 2
wood materials collected
Wood Fragments 2
cloth materials collected
Cloth Fragments 16
paper materials collected
Bags (paper) 10
mixed materials collected
Bricks, Cinderblocks & Chunks Of Cement 1
Clothing 1
Computer Equipment & Other Electronic Devices 1
Shoes-flip Flops, Sandals, Tennis, Etc 4
Toys 2
other materials collected
deodorant 2
toothpaste 2
Go Pro Case 1
BBQ metal grate 1
Teddy Bear 1
Lipstick 1
Entangled Animals
Other Fish
Species or Common Name Baby Catfish
Number Entangled 2
Status released unharmed
Type of Debris Fishing Net & Ropes
Species or Common Name Crabs
Number Entangled 3
Status released unharmed
Type of Debris Fishing Net and Rope

Rough weather brings in the fishing boats to the sheltered bay of Hin Wong where boats tend to drop any trash they may have on board. Also several new construction/development of resorts at this bay where items may be blown from the shore into the ocean.

BBQ Metal Grate and Go pro case

Plastic Bottles (Water-bottles)

Fishing Nets and Ropes

We completed a Marine Debri Speciality early morning from 9am explaining to the fun divers and those taking the certification, what we need to collect and how to complete the surveys. It was a wonderful event for all who participated.

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