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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

Pulau Hantu - West Fringing Reef

3 December, 2014

Team Leader
Monica Choo
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
3.8 kgs (measured)

1.227127, 103.746915

Survey Information

Location Name
Pulau Hantu - West Fringing Reef
Organization/Dive Centre
Asia Dive Academy
3 December, 2014
Survey Duration
43 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 1.227127
Longitude: 103.746915
Weather Conditions
Afternoon thunderstorms
Survey Depth Range
2–12.1 meters
Area Surveyed
36 m2
Dominant Substrate
coral reef
Wave Conditions
Calm (glassy to rippled) for waves 0 – 0.1 meter high
plastic materials collected
Beverage Bottles: Less Than 2 Litres (plastic) 2
Caps & Lids (plastic) 1
Fishing: Line 1
Food Wrappers (plastic) 2
Furnishings (plastic) 1
Pipes (plastic-PVC) 1
SCUBA & Snorkel Gear-masks, Snorkels, Fins 1
Straws, Stirrers 1
Plastic Fragments 3
glass materials collected
Beverage Bottles (glass) 1
metal materials collected
Batteries: AA, AAA, C & D, 6V, 9V, Etc. 1
SCUBA Weights 1
Wire, Wire Mesh & Barbed Wire 1
cloth materials collected
Rope And String (cloth) 1

We encountered at least 4 large tires, but there was a lot of growth on them so we did not remove them. We also found a car battery which we did not remove. We found many pieces of rope, but also did not remove them.

Car battery.

Car battery, tires - I believe that they crew from boats throw them.

Fishing lines and ropes - there were many that were growth over with corals and difficult to remove.

Plastic in general - especially bottles, food wrappers and straws.

This location would be benefit from a beach cleanup during low tide. There was a lot of rubbish caught up on the sea walls.

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