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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

Conestoga Greenway Rail-Trail

4 May, 2013

Team Leader
Gary Sanderson
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
658 lbs (measured)

40.036092, -76.286488

Survey Information

Location Name
Conestoga Greenway Rail-Trail
Organization/Dive Centre
Lancaster Scuba Center
United States
4 May, 2013
Survey Duration
120 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 40.036092
Longitude: -76.286488
Weather Conditions
Survey Depth Range
0–3 feet
Area Surveyed
5000 ft2
Dominant Substrate
Fresh Water River
Wave Conditions
Calm (glassy to rippled) for waves 0 – 0.1 meter high
plastic materials collected
Bags-grocery/retail (plastic) 26
Bags: Trash (plastic) 3
Balls 4
Baskets, Crates 6
Beverage Bottles: Less Than 2 Litres (plastic) 35
Bottles: Bleach/cleaner Bottles 2
Bottles: Oil/lube 1
Buckets, Drums & Jerrycans-2 Liters Or More 1
Carpet (synthetic) 1
Containers: Fast Food, Lunch Boxes & Similar 5
Fishing: Line 1
Fishing: Lures, Rods/poles 2
Fishing: Nets & Pieces Of Nets 1
Sheeting: Tarpaulin, Plastic Sheets, Palette Wrap 1
Six-pack Rings, Ring Carriers 3
Tobacco Packaging & Wrappers 2
Rope (plastic/nylon) 1
glass materials collected
Jars-food (glass) 9
Glass & Ceramic Fragments 50
Beverage Bottles (glass) 5
metal materials collected
Aerosol/spray Cans 4
Appliances: Household 2
Beverage Cans (aluminium) 12
Cars & Car Parts 3
Fishing: Sinkers, Lures, Hooks 2
rubber materials collected
Inner-tubes & Rubber Sheets 4
Tires/tyres 6
wood materials collected
Furnishings (wood) 2
Wood Fragments 2
cloth materials collected
Cloth Fragments 5
mixed materials collected
Bricks, Cinderblocks & Chunks Of Cement 3
Computer Equipment & Other Electronic Devices 2
Shoes-flip Flops, Sandals, Tennis, Etc 1
Toys 5
other materials collected
Bike 3
Scooter 2
Child's Toy/Plastic 2

This trail is along a river behind low income homes. Area is know for people just dumping their debris into on on the banks of the river by the trail.

Wooden Computer desk

Partical board furnature - People just dispose of it do they do not have to pay for removal

Car Tires and parts - the oils used to make these items or are part of the items get into the water supply

Plastic bags - they float and will get caught on shore for water fowl to get tied up in.

The group enjoyed this activity. The plan is to do this on a yearly basis. Some members of the community found out we did the clean up and thanked us. This was done in memoral of a Scuba Instructor that passed away as a result of a truck driving accident.

Even though this water way was not salt water it is part of the Chesapeak Bay Water way. Trash in this water will make it way down river to the bay and then into the ocean.

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