The people strolling around the lake and enjoying their time close to the water do have an incredible impact.
A lot of unusual items were found on this clean up - I believe it is fair to say that every team of divers might have their personal favorite. However the old school flip phone (still with original Orange SIM card in it) is quite high on the list. Also the full and still unopened Caprisun was wild - what a waste.
Plastic cups, bags, plates etc.
electornic devises for their potential battery leaks
Comments and Feedback
"Just wanted to give a huge shoutout for your awesome work at the Google Serve Zurich Diving Lake Cleanup / PadiAware - DiveAgainstDebris / and World Ocean Day Cleanup (OceanCare) events! Your dedication to keeping our waterways clean is truly inspiring. (...) I was particularly impressed by everyone's teamwork and positive energy. We hauled in a ton of trash and recycling, making a real difference for the lake and its inhabitants."
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