COTS, Nutrient Loading, Coral Watch

The project “COTS, Nutrient Loading, CoralWatch” was conducted by a group of divers in Kosrae who witnessed coral distress caused by the voracity of crown-ofthorns starfish (COTS). In 2018, the Kosraean team (KATO) came up with this experimental project with the aim to control COTS outbreaks using vinegar. Vinegar changes the starfish's pH, causing them to dissolve within one or two days. The team investigated this further, looking for any relationships between coral loss, COTS outbreaks, ocean acidification, and nutrient loading. From initial observation, the areas affected by the outbreak seemed to have higher phosphate concentrations. While intensive coral predation may be linked to increased nutrient concentrations, rising water temperature and changing pH affect the reef-building corals' ability to produce their skeletons and also impact mollusk shell growth. The triton snail, an important COTS predator, has nearly disappeared in recent years in Kosrae. Research on how these changes might be related to human activity and climate change is in progress, with findings already providing information to efficiently restore the balance of the reef ecosystem