Adopt-A-Coral program to restore coral reefs in Bali
Help us restore the reef by donating to coral reef restoration:
Blue Corner Marine Research has been running a comprehensive coral reef restoration project on the northern coastline of Nusa Penida, Bali since the beginning of 2018. The project goal is to transform a degraded area of reef back into a healthy coral reef ecosystem.
To achieve the goal of ecosystem restoration, biologists and interns have worked hard to stabilize rubble areas and transplant key species of coral to the site. Several different structures are used to stabilize the area and create habitat for initial colonizing coral reef species. Corals are grown in optimal nursery conditions then transplanted out into the restoration site. Special focus has been placed on some of Nusa Penida's rare and endemic corals as well as habitat-forming species. The Blue Corner Marine Research team conducts regular monitoring on the site to check growth and survivorship, but also site usage by fish and other marine organisms. The project has seen a great deal of success returning the site to a coral dominated reef again, and the site is a popular dive and snorkel area!
The Nusa Islands Coral Restoration project is funded through donations and volunteers. Blue Corner Marine Research conducts regular coral restoration workshops which divers can participate and train.
You can help by donating to the Nusa Islands Restoration Project.