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Shore DAD Dive

Separating the debris

Plastic pollution has already begun to negatively impact the environment, killing plant life, smothering corals and endangering marine life. It's sad to think that in the name of progress, we're unintentionally destroying the reef, coral by coral.

Today, in order to help mother nature, we did another shore dive in the shallows of Maehaad Reef. The amount of debris still there is heartbreaking and it's probably going to take a few more clean up dives to make it more habitable for marine life.

Dive Clean Ups are gratifying but it's sometimes tricky to stay optimistic especially when there's loads of debris. Some items I find, I wonder how on earth did it get into the ocean. Was it thoughtlessness, accidental, intentional? Humans are the source of all marine debris but we can make changes in our everyday lives :-D

We want to help remove as much debris that's in our oceans as possible. but just as importantly we want to contribute to the data knowing that we can be a part in the shift toward better waste management, improved policies and products.

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