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2019 Impact Report

Accelerating Action for a Clean and Healthy Ocean - Foreword from our Global Operations Director

image of divers on the beach with Project AWARE flag
Project AWARE News

What happens when you bring together the purpose of marine conservation with the passion for underwater adventure? A global movement that takes real action for the ocean planet. In 2019, Project AWARE supporters' individual actions collectively accelerated our conservation goals and advanced our vision for a return to a clean and healthy ocean.

2019 Impact Report

Starting with the success of a new campaign - Every Dive a Survey Dive - we expanded our global citizen science movement significantly in 2019; global participation in Adopt a Dive Site™ grew by 28% and Dive Against Debris® survey submissions increased by 35%. This growth has propelled us towards reaching our goal to remove and report the next million pieces of debris – 2 million in total - by the end of 2020. Dive Against Debris® has now engaged over 85,000 scuba divers in 120 countries, continuing to grow the largest underwater data set of seafloor debris on the planet.

The Dive Against Debris® data collected by our community of citizen scientists fills critical data gaps, mitigates pollution impacts on the marine environment and ultimately advances sound policy. In 2019, this unique global data set underwent a thorough scientific analysis, the first of its kind comparing land and seafloor debris.  The findings have now been published in a scientific journal to inform and engage governments, clearly linking underwater community actions to policy change. 

Every year, Project AWARE dedicates at least 25% of its resources to advancing our Healthy Ocean conservation goals. In 2019, we were thrilled to announce that, with our partners and community, we helped secure important trade restrictions to protect vulnerable marine species. Despite fierce opposition from influential governments, our work advanced critical safeguards for mako sharks, rhino rays and sea cucumbers at the 18th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Over 30,000 community members elevated their voices by signing the #Divers4Makos petition urging governments to give the world’s fastest shark a fighting chance or cast their #LoveTheUnloved vote for the protection of highly traded sea cucumbers. Our Healthy Ocean program and ongoing partnership with the Shark League also brought historical catch limits for blue sharks. 

The fins-on and fins-off actions that our community took in 2019 are actively being leveraged to advance the United Nations Global Goals. In July, with the launch of a new interactive infographic, we directly linked our short-term and long-term conservation work to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To embed this strategy, we engaged our community at the local level during AWARE Week and the Global Week of Action to Act for the SDGs in September.

Project AWARE’s work in 2019 enabled the growth and conservation wins necessary to reach our future goals and overall vision. We couldn’t do this critical work without the support of our partners, donors, global community, staff and Board of Directors. We thank each and every one of them for creating positive change for our ocean planet in 2019.

Together we are Project AWARE - Where Conservation Meets Adventure℠


image of Danna Moore

Danna Moore
Director, Global Operations 

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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