5 Ways How to make your divers buoyancy experts

As divers we can prevent unnecessary damage to the marine environment by becoming buoyancy experts. Hear are 5 ways in which you as an Instructor you can make your divers buoyancy experts and help protects the diving environment.
1. Starting from the beginning. Yes the beginning does mean the Open Water Course. When teaching divers in the PADI Open Water Course teach all your skills naturally buoyant. If divers can master naturally buoyancy in a swimming pool they will take this in to Open water and will prevent them making unwanted contact with marine life.
2. Perform weight checks on your divers. When you dive with new divers perform a weight check on them before the dive. You will be surprised how meany divers don’t know how much weight they need and will usually add to much. Having to much weight is bad it drags down the lower half of the body and can Course cause contact with the marine environment. Your divers will also use more airs so this means there divers are shorter. You don’t need to do this for every dive but at least every 2-3 days as your buoyancy will improve the more time you spend In the water as you get more relaxed and use to the equipment.
3. Encourage your divers to buy there own set of equipment. Each and ever piece of equipment is different and your buoyancy will be different as well. By having your own equipment you will get use to how it feels and you will improve your buoyancy with your own individual set of equipment.
4. Encourage divers to continue there education weather you do the Peak performance buoyancy adventure dive as part of the Advanced open water or you can promote the full peak performance buoyancy course.
5. Run buoyancy clinics for divers who haven’t dived recently. If you have been out of the water for a while your buoyancy will be a little off but with a little refresher you will soon get your buoyancy skills back to where they were. Running buoyancy clinics are grate to run alongside the PADI Re-activate course.